GET RID OF ALL THOSE WIRES AND GET REAL prevents failures saves time saves money saves lives


Anthropomorphic Test Device
technology is about to change forever

Get rid of wires in your test rig

There’s nothing more unnatural than a bunch of spaghetti wiring constricting your crash-test device setups. Not only does it NOT simulate real-life situations, it also adds unnecessary setup time to your test project.
At Sensordata Technologies, we recognize the importance of force and moment measurements in ADT simulations and understand how time-consuming, costly and arduous setups can be. That’s why we’ve developed the world’s most advanced ADT WIRELESS system.
Introducing the ADT Wireless system – only from SensorData Technologies. It’s a revolutionary bolt-on unit that converts your current sensors into a powerful, wireless system. As a result, your important data will be less prone to catastrophic or localized failures while saving time and money

Free your dummies with the ADT WIRELESS system – the world’s most advanced wireless system, exclusively from SensorData Technologies.

State-of-the-art ADT testing vs. Sensordata ATD Wireless that LEAPFROGS the competition.


Please contact us today, and we’ll show you how the ADT Wireless technology will revolutionize your ADT setups.