German company test bridge trusses Using SensorData Technologies load cells
Now, with more than two decades of experience, our engineers are even more capable of meeting and exceeding expectations. Today, we regularly build and provide load cells, which are fatigue-rated ranging from 1600-2400 kN. There are many benefits to using load cells. Barometric or hydrostatic pressures do not produce erroneous readings in load cells. Load cells also have a long fatigue life, so they will not have to be replaced frequently. Their structure is simple and compact, and they offer high resistance to extraneous forces. Of course, any custom or specialized orders can be discussed with our engineers to ensure that all load cells produced meet your specifications.
A German company building a large loading frame to test bridge trusses for the BAM- Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung (Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing), commissioned SensorData to build a number of load cells ranging in capacity from 1600- 2400 kN (High Capacity Fatigue Rated Load Cell F347-100)
When the load cells were delivered, they were rejected by the company as not meeting the published specifications. It was not long before our engineers discovered that the company was calibrating the load cells on the same frame they were building. From the picture ( BAM load cells) it was clear that the surface the cells were loaded against was that of the test truss which could never have the flatness or the hardness required for a calibration bed. The load cells were then sent to the BAM for calibration and were well within specs.
The significance of this story is that it was only few month after SensorData started.