SYNTH - The Wireless RT Sensor
of the futuree
For over 60 years, rotary torque sensor technology has remained relatively unchanged. With telemetry based systems dominating the industry.
However they come with many limitations, like:
Short transmission range.
Thin antennas prone to breakage.
Tedious installation and alignment with thick installation manuals.
Poor performance in harsh conditions.
Along the way, Sensordata has made improvements to these systems, and in 2010, it has made significant improvements introducing a true wireless system,
SDT has continued improving its own designs… leading the industry in innovation.
To the biggest advancement in over 60 years0
Introducing Synth! The Worlds most advanced wireless rotary torque sensors!
The heart of the system – contains a proprietary integrated module, featuring a wireless transmitter powered by a long-life, Lithium Ion Battery.
This intuitive, plug-and-play wireless system offers total freedom – eliminating the need for expensive setups, power supplies, and cables.
The result?
Extreme accuracy.
No shielding issues, or noise.
Unprecedented range – well over 500’.
In short, Synth torque sensors offer the most advanced – intuitive, and true wireless technology available today.
Synth! Technology so advanced, it will revolutionize the industry!
Only from Sensordata Technologies.